Natalja Heybroek


Lives and works in Toronto, Canada 



'Fluid Paintings' by Natalja Heybroek is underpinned by its exploration into the fluid nature of life. Whether leaning into detailed intricacies or gathering an overview perspective, the work is an inquiry into the subjectivity of human experience. It draws on the opulent use of materials, where abstraction and expression in the artwork lend themselves to connect with the viewer on an experiential level. Moving the mind towards a more immediate connection with the senses.

The overall style is particularly expressive and emergent, with significant compositions and a veiled sense of movement. It embodies material exploration inspired by the natural world, revealing the unusual capabilities of materials. This infinite search for opening up boundaries creates unexpected intrigue in the artwork. Intertwined with the aesthetics are insightful concepts which bring the work to life. Peering through the lens of human perception, insights emerge around the topics of identity, instincts, emotion and philosophy of the mind. Each presented insightful interpretation becomes an invitation to contemplate.

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